Art normally exists at a distance, with the maxim 'please don’t touch' ubiquitous across galleries and exhibitions. The sculptures I make fly in the face of this; beautiful forms that invite exploration and play, and in being held and touched unlock sound. In this series I worked with photographer Emile Holba to tell this story.
‘I wanted to demonstrate the tactile nature of them, so I developed the idea to show Gawain's hand in the photographs to illustrate the touch or command element of each artwork.
Though I've known Gawain for many years and am familiar with his work, it wasn't until I started to place the artworks together that I saw such a consistency in scale, exquisite detail and form. For such complex structures that have to stand up to extended public usage and provide very different sonic purposes, they still manage to hold a delicacy and curiosity. Also, it is incredible just how much bespoke electronics are hidden away inside the structures! All are perfectly self-contained pieces of sonic art.’
This series of photographs and was published as a story at Creative Boom.
Please Touch © Gawain Hewitt. Photography by Emile Holba.